Ramboland is a "first of it's kind" project in downtown Lancaster Pennsylvania. It is projected to generate 10x the energy it uses, to use all on site water in the operations of the home, and provide an unparalleled universal design experience. This project has sparked the interest of many field leading professionals in architecture, building performance modeling, permaculture, air quality and many others. It truly is a an example of the power of like willed individuals devoting time and energy to an important project.
The Client, Ron Rambo, approached the project's longtime champion Max Zahniser, looking for a new home with the specific caveat that it had to be sustainable and accessible as Ron lives with cerebral palsy, limiting his mobility. Fast forward a few years and iterations later, and Ramboland's ground breaking is on the horizon!
CLIENT: Ron Rambo
TYPOLOGY: Single Family Home
START DATE: May 2020
END DATE: In Progress